Anwendung wissensbasierter Simulationen zur Ausschöpfung von Leichtbaupotenzialen in der Automobilindustrie
DFX 2016: Proceedings of the 27th Symposium Design for X, 5-6 October 2016, Jesteburg, Germany
Year: 2016
Editor: Dieter Krause, Kristin Paetzold, Sandro Wartzack
Author: Hautsch, Stefan; Katona, Sebastian; Sprügel, Tobias; Koch, Michael; Rieg, Frank; Wartzack, Sandro
Series: DfX
Institution: Universität Bayreuth(1), TH Nürnberg(2), Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg(3)
Section: Simulation
Page(s): 089-100
ISBN: 978-3-946094-09-8
The application of knowledge-based simulations to scoop lightweight design potentials in automotive industry provides an efficient way of virtual product development for inexperienced operators. Generating lightweight constructions or reengineering and improving existing automobile parts can be achieved by combining structural optimization, knowledge allocation and 3D scan techniques. As the phases of this process are mostly performed virtually and supported by a knowledge database, even inexperienced developers can efficiently invent lightweight constructions by utilizing modern optimization tools. Furthermore, they can secure the designs with enhanced finite element analyses and identify possible mechanical problems because of manufacturing deviations with help of 3D scanning methods.
Keywords: finite-element-analysis, optimization, knowledge-based, 3D scan