Formation of the DSM Industry Special Interest Group (DSMiSIG)
DSM 2012 Proceedings of the 14th International DSM Conference, Kyoto, Japan
Year: 2012
Editor: Onishi, M.; Maurer, M.; Kirner, K.; Lindemann, U.
Author: Stowe, H. A.; Paynting, R.; Scheurmann, E.
Series: DSM
Institution: 1: The Boeing Company, USA; 2: Rapid Invention Pty Ltd, Australia
Section: Application of Matrix Methodology
Page(s): 3-15
ISBN: 978-3-446-43354-0
This paper is intended to make the existing DSM community and new potential industry users aware of the formation of a DSM Industrial Special Interest Group or DSMiSIG, and introduce them to its charter, current activities and roadmap of future activities. Since MIT initiated the industrial application of DSM in 1989, the following twenty three years have seen significant academic
evelopment of DSM and creation of awareness in industry. Unfortunately, after two decades, DSM has still not found general acceptance within industry and is still not a standard industrial process or tool, despite its obvious advantages over current working practices. The DSMiSIG was formed to close this application gap, and its steering committee has set a goal for having 5% of the top 1000 Companies and 1% of innovation active SMEs using DSM as a standard practice by Q4 of 2014. A number of activities have been completed so far to meet these goals.
Keywords: DSMiSIG, DSM adoption, DSM mobilization, DSMiSIG roadmap